(in Russian)
of publications (in
(in Russian)
(in Russian)
(in Russian)
information (in
advice (in Russian)
World Society of Emergency Surgery
the Study of the
of Surgery Dmitry V.
Garbuzenko, MD
Date of
birth: 29 June 1962
village Pereyaslavka of Khabarovsky
POBox 12317, Chelyabinsk,
454080, Russia
E-mail (1):
(2): garbuzenkodv@gmail.com
status: Married
Academic title: Professor
Surgeon of the highest category
Experience: My
practical activities are associated with emergency abdominal surgery. I
am able to perform all kinds of operations on the abdominal organs and
specialize in surgery of the liver, biliary tract, and pancreas. I have
the extensive experience in experimental work on the problem of portal
hypertension (modeling, treatment).
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel)
native speaker of Russian, working knowledge of English.
Scientific achievements:
- 1991:
Defended a candidate’s dissertation (PhD) on subject:
of a small bowel resection on the clinical course of portal
- 2008:
Defended a doctoral dissertation on subject: "The effect of
revascularization of the cirrhotic liver on portal hypertension".
Sphere of my Research Interests
includes clinical
and pathological problems associated with liver cirrhosis and portal
I am the member
of the Russian Society of Surgeons, the Russian Gastroenterological
Association, the Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association of Commonwealth
of Independent States,
the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
I am an author of more than 213
(some of them are listed below), 7 inventions,
3 monographs:
of the monograph:
editor of the books:
- Portal
Hypertension - Causes and Complications. Ed. D. Garbuzenko. - Rijeka,
Croatia: InTech, 2012. - 144 p.
- Actual
Problems of Emergency Abdominal Surgery. Ed. D. Garbuzenko. - Rijeka,
Croatia: InTech, 2016. - 208 p.
- Current
Issues in the Diagnostics and Treatment of Acute Appendicitis. Ed. D.
Garbuzenko. - London, United Kingdom: InTech, 2018. - 92 p.
- Pancreatitis.
D. Garbuzenko. - London, United Kingdom: InTech, 2019. - 82 p.
- Intestinal
Obstruction. Ed. D. Garbuzenko. - London, United Kingdom: InTech, 2020.
- 82 p.
- Abdominal Trauma - New
Solutions to Old Problems. Ed. D. Garbuzenko. - London, United Kingdom:
InTech, 2023. - 112 p.
of the clinical guidelines: Treatment
of liver cirrhosis complications: Clinical guidelines of the Russian
Scientific Liver Society and Russian gastroenterological association.
board member:
of more than 50 international medical journals including World Journal
of Gastroenterology, World Journal of Hepatology, Advances in Therapy,
BMC Gastroenterology, BMJ Open, Digestive Diseases and Sciences,
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology, et al.
List of
1. Garbuzenko
D.V., Lyannoy K.V. [The
effect of the small intestinal
resection on the pressure in the portal venous system in experimental
portal hypertension]. Klin. Khir. 1990; 71 (11): 24-27. (in
Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
2. Malyshev Yu.I., Red'kin G.A., Garbuzenko
D.V. [Results of the small
intestinal resection in patients with portal hypertension]. Klin. Khir.
1991; 72 (9): 12-15. (in Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
3. Garbuzenko
[Phlegmon of the hernial sac after surgery for
diffuse fibrinous peritonitis]. Klin. Khir. 1993; 74 (6): 66-67.
(in Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
4. Garbuzenko
[Hemodynamic disorder, conditionned by liver cirrhosis]. Klin. Med.
(Mosk). 1996; 74 (2): 5-7. (in Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
5. Garbuzenko
Sen'kova N.N., Bordunovsky V.N. [Method cultivation
and transplantation isolated hepatocytes in experiment acute hepatic
failure]. Ann. hir. gepatol. 1998; (2) (Suppl): 151. (in
6. Garbuzenko
Sen'kova N.N. [Intraperitoneal transplantation of
microcarrier-attached isolated hepatocytes in experiment].
Ros. gastrojenterol. zh.
(4): 170-171. (in Russian)
7. Garbuzenko
Popov G.K. [Mechanisms of liver regeneration
regulation]. Ros. zhurn. gastrojenterol., gepatol., koloproktol.
2001; 11 (1): 21-25. (in Russian) (pdf)
8. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Pathogenesis of portal
hypertension at liver
cirrhosis]. Ros. zhurn. gastrojenterol., gepatol., koloproktol.
2002; 12
(5): 23-29. (in Russian) (pdf)
9. Garbuzenko
D.V., Marysheva I.V.
[Modification of portal blood flow
after lazer revascularization cirrhotic liver]. Jeksperimental klinich.
gastrojenterol. 2003; (5) (Suppl): 133. (in Russian)
10. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Pharmacotherapy in
portal hypertension]. Klin. Med.
(Mosk).) 2004; 82 (3): 16-20 (in Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
11. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Portal-hypertensive
gastropathy]. Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2004;
(4): 44-45 (in Russian) (pdf)
12. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Prophylaxis of
bleedings from varicose esophageal and
stomach veins in liver cirrhosis patients ]. Ros. zhurn.
gastrojenterol., gepatol., koloproktol. 2004; 14 (4): 8-13. (in
Russian) (pdf)
13. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Laser revascularization
of the cirrhotic liver as a
way of portal hypertension management] Ann. hir.
gepatol. 2004; 9
(2) (Suppl): 216. (in Russian) (pdf)
14. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Porto-pulmonary
hypertension and hepatopulmonary
syndrome in patients with hepatic cirrhosis]. Pul'monologija
(1): 103-107. (in Russian) (pdf)
15. Garbuzenko
D.V. [The treatment tactics
in the bleeding gastric
varices]. Annals of HPB surgery. 2007; 12 (1): 96-102 (in Russian) (pdf)
16. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Multiorgan hemodynamic
disorder, conditionned by
cirrhosis]. Ter. Arkh. 2007; 79 (2): 73-77. (in Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
17. Kovalenko V.L., Abramovskaya N.V., Garbuzenko
[Morphological characteristic compensatory and adaptation response in
the cirrhotic liver after influence of highenergy lazer radiation].
Ural. med. zhurn. 2007; (12): 75-78. (in Russian) (pdf)
18. Garbuzenko
[The role of intestinal microflora in the development of complications
of hepatic cirrhosis-associated portal hypertension]. Klin Med (Mosk).
2007; 85 (8): 15-19. (in
Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
19. Garbuzenko
[Mechanisms of compensation of structure and function
of the liver at its damage and their practical significance]. Ros.
zhurn. gastrojenterol., gepatol., koloproktol. 2008; 18 (6): 14-21. (in
Russian) (pdf)
20. Danilova T.V., Garbuzenko
Mikurov A.A. [Cases of enteropathy, accompanied by uncontrolled
bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension
(morphological study)]. Ros. zhurn. gastrojenterol., gepatol.,
koloproktol. 2009; 19 (5) (Suppl 34): 47-47. (in Russian) (pdf)
21. Garbuzenko
methods of portal hypertension studying]. Ros. zhurn. gastrojenterol.,
gepatol., koloproktol. 2010;
20 (2): 4-12.
Russian) (pdf)
22. Garbuzenko
[Pathophysiological mechanisms and new directions of
therapy of portal hypertension at liver cirrhosis]. Klin. persp.
gastrojen. gepatol. 2010; (6): 11-20. (in Russian) (pdf)
23. Mikurov A.A., Garbuzenko
D.V. [The comparative
analysis of level
endotoxemia at patients of the liver cirrhosis with portal
hypertension]. Fundamental'nye issledovanija
2011; (6):
Russian) (pdf)
24. Garbuzenko
D.V., Mikurov A.A. [The role
of endotoxemia in the
development of the bleeding esophageal varices in patients with liver
cirrhosis]. Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011; (6):
(in Russian) (pdf)
25. Garbuzenko
Mikurov A., Smirnov D. The Bacterial Endotoxins Levels in the Blood of
Cirrhotic Patients as Predictor of the Risk of Esophageal Varices
Bleeding. In: Portal
Hypertension - Causes and Complications.
Ed. D.
Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2012 p. 85-92. (pdf)
26. Garbuzenko D.V. [Methods
of risk prediction and monitoring of treatment response rate of
bleedings from esophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis].
Ros. zhurn. gastrojenterol., gepatol., koloproktol. 2012;
22 (2): 36-44.
Russian) (pdf)
27. Garbuzenko
A., Smirnov D. [Bacterial endotoxinemia and the risk of the bleeding
esophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis]. Klin. Med.
(Mosk). 2012; 90 (7): 48-51. (in Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
28. Garbuzenko
D.V. [The
mechanisms of adaptation of the vascular bed to hemodynamic changes in
portal hypertension]. Vestn. Ross. Akad. Med. Nauk. 2013;
52-57. (in
Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
29. Garbuzenko
D.V. [The
risk factors
of extrahepatic abdominal operations in patients with liver cirrhosis].
Khirurgiia (Mosk). 2013; (8): 86-92. (in
Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
30. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Portal
biliopathy]. Vrach 2014; (1): 17-20. (in
Russian) (pdf)
31. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Morphofunctional
rearrangement of the hepatic
in the pathogenesis of portal hypertension in liver cirrhosis]. Ter.
Arkh. 2014; 86 (2): 90-95.
Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
32. Garbuzenko
[Ectopic varicosis:
a rare case of gastrointestinal hemorrhage]. Klin. Med.
(Mosk). 2014; 92 (6): 12-21. (in
Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
33. Garbuzenko
[Non-invasive assessment of portal hypertension in patients with liver
cirrhosis]. Poliklinika 2015; (2): 33-39. (in
Russian) (pdf)
34. Garbuzenko
D.V. Contemporary
concepts of the medical therapy of portal hypertension under liver
cirrhosis. World J. Gastroenterol. 2015; 21 (20): 6117-6126. (pdf) (PubMed)
35. Garbuzenko
Treatment of acute esophageal variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients.
Abdomen 2015; 2: e958. (pdf)
36. Garbuzenko
Bordunovskii V.N. The Effect of Laser Revascularization of the Liver on
Portal Hemodynamics in Cirrhotic Patients: Preliminary Study.
Gastroenterol Hepatol Open Access 2015; 2 (6): 00060. (pdf)
37. Garbuzenko
D.V. Current
approaches to the management of patients with liver cirrhosis who have
acute esophageal variceal bleeding. Curr Med Res Opin. 2016; 32 (3):
467-475. (pdf) (PubMed)
38. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Aspects of pathogenetic
pharmacotherapy for portal
hypertension in liver cirrhosis]. Ter.
Arkh. 2016; 88 (2): 101-108.
Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
39. Garbuzenko
D.V., Arefyev
N.O., Belov D.V. Mechanisms of adaptation of the hepatic vasculature to
the deteriorating conditions of blood circulation in liver cirrhosis.
World J. Hepatol. 2016; 8 (16): 665-672, (pdf) (PubMed)
40. Ivashkin V.T.,
Mayevskaya M.V.,
Pavlov Ch.S., Fedosyina Ye.A., Bessonova Ye.N., Pirogova
Garbuzenko D.V. [Treatment
of liver cirrhosis complications: Clinical guidelines of the Russian
Scientific Liver Society and Russian gastroenterological association].
Ros. zhurn. gastrojenterol., gepatol., koloproktol. 2016;
26 (4): 71-102.
Russian) (pdf)
41. Garbuzenko
[The principles of primary prevention of bleeding from esophageal
varices in patients with liver cirrhosis]. Klin. Med. (Mosk). 2016; 94
(7): 503-509. (in Russian) (pdf) (PubMed)
42. Garbuzenko
D.V., Arefyev
N.O., Belov D.V. Restructuring of the vascular bed in response to
hemodynamic disturbances in portal hypertension. World J. Hepatol.
2016; 8 (36): 1602-1609. (pdf)
Arefyev N.O., Garbuzenko
Khasanov L.R. Choosing an Optimal Suture Material for Prehepatic Portal
Hypertension Modeling. Int. J. Clin. Exp. Med. Sci. 2016; 2 (6):
117-121. (pdf)
44. Arefyev N.O., Garbuzenko D.V.,
Emelyanov I.V., Khasanov L.R., Mineeva L.V. Changes in the
microvasculature of small bowel mesentery in rats with prehepatic
portal Hypertension: the preliminary study in vivo.
Abdomen 2017; 4: e1580. (pdf)
45. Garbuzenko
[The principles of management of patients with liver cirrhosis
comlicated by ascites]. Klin. Med. (Mosk). 2017; 95 (9): 789-796. (in
Russian) (pdf)
46. Garbuzenko
D.V., Arefyev
N.O. Hepatic hydrothorax: An update and review of the literature. World
J. Hepatol. 2017; 9 (31): 1197-1204. (pdf)
Arefyev N.O., Garbuzenko D.V.,
Kazachkov E.L., Bordunovskii V.N. [Portal hypertension associated
angiogenesis assay in experimental studies (literature review)]. Ural.
Med. Zhurn. 2018; (2): 16-23. (in Russian) (pdf)
48. Arefyev N.O., Garbuzenko D.V.,
Kazachkov E.L. Modern Methods for Studying Portal Hypertension
Associated Angiogenesis in Experimental Research. Eur. Med. J. 2018; 3
(2): 90-99. (pdf)
49. Garbuzenko D.V.,
D.V., Arefyev N.O. A rare case of internal small intestinal
strangulation. General Surgery: Open Access. 2018; 1 (1): 3-4. (pdf)
50. Garbuzenko D.V.,
N.O., Kazachkov E.L. Antiangiogenic therapy for portal hypertension in
liver cirrhosis: Current progress and perspectives. World J
Gastroenterol. 2018; 24 (33): 3738-3748. (pdf)
51. Belov D.V., Garbuzenko D.V.,
Fokin A.A., Milievskaya E.B. [Risk factors of abdominal complications
after coronary artery bypass grafting]. Byulleten' NTSSSKH im. A.N.
Bakuleva RAMN «Serdechno-sosudistyye zabolevaniya».
2018; 19 (6): 794-799. (in
Russian) (pdf)
52. Garbuzenko D.V.
[Hydrothorax in liver disease: pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment].
Klin. Med. (Mosk). 2018; 96 (7): 604-611 (in Russian) (pdf)
53. Garbuzenko
Belov D.V., Arefyev N.O. A rare complication of cardiac surgery:
Ogilvie syndrome. J Postgrad Med. 2019; 65 (1): 56-57. (pdf) (PubMed)
54. Belov D.V., Garbuzenko D.V.,
Milievskaya E.B., Bordunovskiy V.N. [Early abdominal complications
coronary artery bypass surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass: diagnosis
and treatment]. Byulleten' NTSSSKH im. A.N. Bakuleva RAMN
«Serdechno-sosudistyye zabolevaniya». 2019; 20 (4):
305-312. (in
Russian) (pdf)
55. Garbuzenko D.V.,
N.O., Kazachkov E.L. Angiogenesis and Portal Hypertension: An Update.
In: Anti-Angiogenesis Drug Discovery and Development. Vol. 4. Ed.
Atta-ur-Rahman and M. Iqbal Choudhary. Sharjah, UAE: Bentham Science
Publishers; 2019. p. 162-218. (pdf)
56. Belov D.V., Garbuzenko D.V.,
Fokin A.A., Naymushina Yu.V., Milievskaya E.B., Lukin O.P., Peshikov
O.V. [А prognostic scale for the prediction of early abdominal
copmplications after coronary artery bypass surgery with
cardiopulmonary bypass]. Russian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular
Surgery. 2019; 61 (3): 190–196. (in Russian)
57. Garbuzenko
D.V., Arefyev
N.O. Current approaches to the management of patients with cirrhotic
ascites. World J Gastroenterol. 2019; 25 (28): 3738-3752. (pdf) (PubMed)
58. Garbuzenko
D.V., Belov
D.V., Fokin A.A., Milievskaya E.B. [Acute pancreatitis after cardiac
surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass]. Russian Journal of Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgery. 2019; 61 (5): 415-422. (in Russian) (pdf)
59. Belov D.V., Garbuzenko D.V.,
Lukin O.P., Anufrieva S.S. [Role of laboratory methods in integrated
diagnostics of acute mesenterial ischemia]. Medical Journal of the
Russian Federation. 2019; 25
(5-6): 316-323. (in Russian) (pdf)
Belov D.V., Moskalev V.I., Garbuzenko
D.V., Arefyev N.O. Left
atrial appendage aneurysm: A case
report. World J. Clin. Cases. 2020; 8 (19): 4443-4449. (pdf)
61. Belov D.V., Garbuzenko D.V.,
Abramovskikh K.A., Arefyev N.O. Risk score for predicting abdominal
complications after coronary artery bypass grafting. World J. Cardiol.
2020; 12 (10): 492-500. (pdf)
62. Garbuzenko
D.V., Arefyev
N.O. Primary prevention of bleeding from esophageal varices in patients
with liver cirrhosis: An update and review of the literature. J. Evid.
Based Med. 2020; 13 (4): 313-324.
Belov D.V., Garbuzenko
Naymushina Yu.V., Lukin O.P., Milievskaya E.B., Leontiev S.N.,
Mezentsev V.I. [Prognostic scale for the prediction of early abdominal
complications after correction of heart diseases with cardiopulmonary
bypass]. Russian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2020;
5 (62): 426-431. (in Russian) (pdf)
Belov D.V., Garbuzenko
Lukin O.P., Anufrieva S.S. [Heyde’s syndrome as a rare cause
gastrointestinal bleeding in aortic stenosis patients]. Cardiovascular
Therapy and Prevention. 2021; 20 (1): 59-64. (in Russian) (pdf)
65. Belov D.V., Garbuzenko D.V.,
Anufrieva S.S. [A rare case of gerniation and incarceration of the
gallbladder]. Khirurgiia (Mosk). 2021; (10): 110-112. (in Russian)
66. Garbuzenko
D.V. [The role
of antiviral therapy in the management of patients with liver cirrhosis
associated with chronic HBV and HCV infection]. Problems of Virology.
2021; 66 (5): 331-339. (in Russian) (pdf)
67. Garbuzenko D.V.,
Belov D.V. [Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as an
factor of cardiometabolic risk of cardiovascular diseases].
Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2021; 194 (10):
22–34. (in Russian) (pdf)
68. Belov D.V., Garbuzenko D.V.,
Andrievskikh S.I., Anufrieva S.S. [Aorto-digestive fistula: a rare
cause of gastrointestinal bleeding]. Circulation Pathology and Cardiac
Surgery. 2021; 25 (4): 23-29. (in Russian) (pdf)
69. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Drug
Therapy for Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis-Induced Liver Fibrosis]. Ros.
zhurn. gastrojenterol., gepatol., koloproktol. 2021; 31 (5): 16-24. (in
Russian) (pdf)
70. Garbuzenko
[Non-invasive diagnosis of liver fibrosis associated with nonalcoholic
steatohepatitis]. Russian Journal of Evidence-based Gastroenterology.
2021; 10 (4): 75–81. (in Russian) (pdf)
71. Garbuzenko
[Diagnostic and risk stratification aspects of liver fibrosis
progression in chronic hepatitis B and C viral infection]. Medical
Journal of the Russian Federation. 2021; 27 (4): 373-384. (in Russian)
72. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Molecular
stimuli of fibrogenic activation in hepatic stellate cells].
Pathological Physiology and Experimental Therapy, Russian Journal.
2022; 66 (1): 112–119. (in Russian) (pdf)
73. Garbuzenko
Pathophysiological mechanisms of hepatic stellate cells activation in
liver fibrosis. World J. Clin. Cases. 2022; 10 (12): 3662-3676. (pdf)
74. Garbuzenko
[Mechanisms and Clinical Significance of Hepatic Fibrogenesis in Iron
Overload]. Doctor.Ru. 2022; 21 (2): 23–29. (in Russian) (pdf)
75. Garbuzenko
[Principles of diagnosis and treatment
of alcohol-induced
liver fibrosis]. Meditsinskiy Sovet. 2022; 16 (7): 104–114.
Russian) (pdf)
76. Belov D.V., Naimushina Yu.V., Fokin A.A., Garbuzenko D.V.,
Leontiev S.N.,
Mezentsev V.I., Tabashnikova S.V., Semagin A.A. [The role of
transesophageal echocardiography in gastrointestinal bleeding].
Kardiologiya i Serdechno-Sosudistaya Khirurgiya. 2022; 15 (3): 270‑276.
(in Russian) (pdf)
77. Garbuzenko
Pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiovascular disorders in
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. Bed Bench.
2022; 15 (3): 194-203. (pdf)
78. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Pathophysiological
Prerequisites and Therapeutic Potential of Fecal
Microbiota Transplantation in Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis]. The Russian
Archives of Internal Medicine. 2022; 12 (5): 352-362. (pdf)
79. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Current
strategies for targeted therapy of liver fibrosis]. Bulletin of
Medicine. 2022; 21 (3): 154–165. (pdf)
80. Garbuzenko
D.V., Belov
D.V., Kosharnova A.L., Anufrieva S.S., Danko N.A. [Gallbladder
herniation as a Rare Complication of Abdominal Drainage]. Novosti
Khirurgii. 2022; 30 (3): 317-321. (in
Russian) (pdf)
81. Garbuzenko
D.V. [Gut
microbiota modulation in acute decompensation of liver cirrhosis:
theory and therapeutic potential]. Russian Journal of Evidence-based
Gastroenterology. 2022; 11 (4): 65–76. (in Russian) (pdf)
82. Garbuzenko D.V., Belov
D.V. Herniation and incarceration of the gallbladder through the
abdominal drain site: A case report. Int. J. Abdom. Wall Hernia
Surg. 2023; 6 (1): 53-55. (pdf)
83. Garbuzenko D.V.
Therapeutic possibilities of gut microbiota modulation in acute
decompensation of liver cirrhosis. World J. Hepatol. 2023; 15 (4):
525-537. (pdf) (PubMed)
84. Garbuzenko D.V.
Contemporary concepts of prevention and management of gastroesophageal
variceal bleeding in liver cirrhosis patients. World J. Hepatol. 2024;
16 (2): 126-134. (pdf)
85. Garbuzenko D.V. Mechanisms
of epigenetic regulation in the fibrogenic activation of hepatic
stellate cells in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Gene Expr. 2024;
23 (1): 31–43. (pdf)
86. Garbuzenko D.V. Liver
fibrosis as an independent cardiovascular risk factor in non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease. J. Transl. Gastroenterol. 2024; 2 (1):
21–29. (pdf)
87. Garbuzenko D.V. Milestones
to optimize of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt technique
as a method for the treatment of portal hypertension complications.
World J. Hepatol. 2024; 16 (6): 891-899. (pdf)
88. Garbuzenko D.V. Current
approaches to the management of jejunal variceal bleeding at the site
of hepaticojejunostomy after pancreaticoduodenectomy. World J.
Gastroenterol. 2024; 30 (37): 4083-4086. (pdf)
89. Garbuzenko D.V. [Optimization stages
of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt technique as a
treatment method for portal hypertension
complications]. Annals of HPB surgery. 2024; 29 (3):
116–123. (in Russian) (pdf)
90. Garbuzenko D.V. Perspectives
of Drug Therapy for Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis-Related Liver
Fibrosis. Fibrosis. 2025; 3 (1): 10002. (pdf)